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It all started in New York City.


After 16 years as a cheesemonger in London, I found myself at a loose end in New York with an opportunity to try something different (I met a girl, old story). I chose craft beer. The United States was at the forefront of the craft beer movement and I like beer - a lot. It seemed the obvious choice.


I got a job in a small shop at Manhattan's Grand Central Station which boasted an exhaustive selection of beers from around the world, but also, tucked away in a corner, was a modest and often overlooked selection of craft ciders. Over time I found myself drawn more and more to this corner of the shop & discovered not only ciders from America but from further afield as well: Normandy, Herefordshire, Somerset. The gradual effect was revelatory.


Several years, thousands of miles & many ciders later, Cork & Crown is the culmination of these experiences


...& I married the girl....


Cider, sadly, is still held in low regard by many, but until very recently the same could have been said for the majority of beer available (industrial lager), or cheese ('cheese' was synonymous with 'factory cheddar' for most of the 20th century). Yet over the last 20-30 years both of these misconceptions have been largely, if not entirely, consigned to the history books. Hopefully, by following their example, & championing great cider made by great cider-makers, we can encourage more people to discover, enjoy & appreciate this traditional, complex, yet much-misunderstood drink.


That's the goal.


Chris George

August 2019

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